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NewbornGeneID > For Parents and Future Parents

WHAT is a Carrier?

Each parent has two copies of genetic materials, one copy inherited from each parent. Because many genetic diseases are recessive, meaning the disease is caused by inheriting a mutation at the same DNA location from both parents, it is possible for someone to have 1 copy of the faulty gene without having any symptoms. This individual is called a "carrier" because they carry a faulty gene.

This can go on for many generations without anyone recognizing that there is a mutation being passed down.  Symptoms arise when an individual is a carrier and they have children with someone who is also a carrier. There is a risk that their children will wind up with 2 copies of the mutation and therefore, that the children will inherit the disease.

Scroll over the image to see the rates at which these mutations are passed on. 

3 cups


1½ cups


Who Should Be Tested

Our Test is a comprehensive preconception and prenatal carrier screening test that follows the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommendations.

While everyone that wants to have children should get tested, some diseases are linked (and have higher carrier rates) in specific ethnic groups. Testing is even more strongly recommended if you are:

Ashkenazi Jewish 

African or African American

Asian (North or South)

Cajun Descent 

Caucasian - European

Hispanic - White / Non White

WHAT If I'm A Carrier

You and your partner only need to be tested once in your lifetime for these genes. The knowledge from this test can help you make more informed plans with your pregnancy.

Partners who are both carriers have a number of options that they may consider when looking to conceive.  The decision regarding what steps to take is a personal one and can vary significantly based on the specific disease and personal factors related to the couple.  Some people may decide not to do anything.  That said, some of the options include:

  • Conceive naturally

  • Prenatal Screening

  • In-vitro fertilization (IVF); testing the egg for genetic diseases before it is implanted

  • Using a sperm or egg donor who is not a carrier

  • Adoption

  • Choose not to have children

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HOW Much Will It Cost?

Most individuals have no out of pocket costs.

Check with your provider to see whether your insurance will cover Carrier Testing.

If you would like Carrier testing, but your provider doesn't offer it, please have them reach out at or over the phone at 1-866-GENE-AMD to have their office set up for NewbornGeneID testing.

If your provider does offer carrier testing with NewbornGeneID and you would like to know if you are in-network, check out the links below. 

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